100+ Women Who Care of Grundy County
What is it?
It’s a giving circle with a very basic concept:
- Like a stock club, members get together, throw money into the kitty, make a group decision, and send the money out
- Except in this case the money goes to charity
- Giving circles can be formed by anyone with similar interests – women, men, youth, couples, companies, co-workers – the possibilities are endless
We are modeling ours after “100 Who Care”, a national movement with the premise that if one person gives $100 to charity, that’s all well and good. But what if 100 people in a giving circle each give $100? Suddenly that’s a collective $10,00 to charity – which is so much more impactful!
100+ Women Who Care is housed at the Community Foundation of Grundy County, who is charging no administrative fees.
The women in the group will decide the rules as we go along. So far:
- $100 = one vote
- One woman at $100
- Two friends at $50 each
- Four friends at $25 each
- Meet quarterly
- Offer meal and cocktails but everyone pays for their own
- As you enter, fill out a slip nominating up to 3 charities
- 3 slips are drawn at random
- If your slip is drawn, you get 2 minutes to pitch one charity to the group
- After 3 pitches, the group votes on one; that one charity gets all the money in the kitty that day.
Want to learn more?
Please visit https://www.cfgrundycounty.com/100-women-who-care-of-grundy-county/
This group is a perfect fit for you if:
- You believe in giving back and want 100% of your donation to go directly to a local charity
- You’ve been wanting to help those in need but are not sure how to fit it into your busy schedule
- You want to become part of creating a powerful new group of Grundy women who will make an immediate, director, and positive impact in Grundy County